Friday, August 1, 2008

01/08/08: Mailer 3: Lit Assn: Meeting; Reading with Shashi Deshpande

Hi everyone,

Before I get to the meeting, I'd like you to know that there is a reading happening tomorrow, Saturday, August 2, at Reliance Time Out (Cunningham Road) at 3.00 pm. It is not so much a reading as a dramatic performance of one of Shashi Deshpande's stories and an extract from one of Anil Abraham's plays. Both writers will be there and we can interact with them and stuff. This is an excellent opportunity, so do come. Hope to see you there.

Monday Meeting: August 4

I expect the same level of enthusiasm and attendance. I know some of you can't make it (due to other commitments), but otherwise try to come. Bring your lunch, etc.

The meeting will be held in Room 29, during the lunch break, as usual.

The agenda is as follows:

Reading by Sushmita (III PyEE) followed by a discussion

Reading by Vibha (III PyEJ) followed by a discussion

Voting on blog title

Some of the titles suggested till now are: REM (as in "Rapid Eye Movements"), Parrhesia and Multicoloured Sock. I also thought of Litter Box (although you may not want your writing thusly demeaned), Ink Noise (based on my present love for Don DeLillo) and Thusly (which is a word I like to think I invented).

Let's also vote on whether or not we want to open up our submissions to the rest of college you know -- the lazy folk who don't bother attending our meetings. Oh! And what about asking some of our lecturers to submit?

As for the submissions, I'm happy to say I've already received two. Submissions shall be open till midnight, August 24, which gives you about three weeks to send in work. If you need an extension, you can bring your convincing arguments to the meeting on Monday. :P

Cul Week

Any last minute registrations for the Lit Quiz and questions relating to the contests will be dealt with.

Have a good weekend, everyone. I hope someone manages to get tickets for The Dark Knight. I didn't, but no matter: I just found a lovely poem to read. It's by Sybil Ruth, winner of this year's Mslexia Poetry Competition: A Song of Jean.


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