Saturday, December 20, 2008

Meeting 11

Hi everyone,

Just a quick note on the last meeting of the year: Nikitha read us a flash fic she wrote, which was well received, and she got some feedback too. Then we disintegrated into our usual blabber.

A reminder to everyone: please think of topics we can give people for CulAh 'Short story' and 'Poetry'.


Vibha, Manasa, Anisha, Bhagya, Madhavi, Asawari, Srishti, Nikitha, Anindita and Aditi

Have a good holiday season!


Saturday, December 13, 2008

13/12/08 Mailer 11

All right, it's time we spent some time on poor prose. While we have read Calvino, Proust, CK Meena and others in our meetings, we've never had anyone bring their own prose. So on Monday, December 15, at 12.30 PM, in room 29, someone's going to read their own prose. I don't care who.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

11/12/08 Meeting 10

Hi everyone,

Here's the deal: The last meeting was unfortunately interrupted by noise from some of the most obnoxious people I have ever met. Despite repeated polite requests to shut up and then a couple of really nasty threats, non-lit folk hanging out in Room 29 continued to offend us with their existence. This is what we need. We need one person to wear a sari next Monday and pretend to be some newbie (but scary) lecturer so that we look official. Other plans include putting a poster on the door explaining that we're reading James Joyce and attempting to act out his thoughts. No, idiots don't get lit references. Maybe we can tell them there's a major bug extermination project going on? It's also a lit references, but they can take it literally.

What did we do? Namratha read three of her poems. We offered her critique. Then we started insulting each other, which was lots of fun. Poor Srishti.


Bhagya, Madhavi, Asawari, Sristhi, Namratha, Neha, Sitara and Aditi (<-- Note dwindling numbers)

Oh, and we have a blog

Here's stuff that's been posted:

So, poetry by CS Bhagya
Free Association, poetry by Tharindri Rupesinghe
Ink Noise, prose by Asawari Ghatage

Even if you can't post stuff, at least you can comment. What say?


Friday, December 5, 2008

05/12/08 Mailer 10/Meeting 9/Magazine submissions

Hi everyone,

I have a bunch of things to say. Firstly, the magazine committee is collection submissions for the creative writing section of the magazine. The theme is 'fantasy'. You may interpret this anyway you like. However please censor yourself in certain cases. Much as I love fan fic porn (I don't), the magazine will not be publishing anything in that vein. (See, I have to say stuff like that to be on the vague side.)

We're accepting submissions in the following genres:

Fantasy fiction: For those who don't know, fantasy fiction is stuff like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. You're supposed to create your own fantasy world and write a story about people in it.


Short fiction

Essay: If you're wondering what sort of essay you could write about fantasy, then here are some ideas: "My fantasy for Bangalore/Mount Carmel College" "Do fantasy books/movies affect the way children perceive reality?"

Word limit: 300-500 words for all genres

Deadline: December 15

How to submit: You can either submit by email to ( or hand in a hard copy to Srishti (II PyEJ, 9945501718), Neha (II PyEC, 9901612701) or me (III PyEC, 9620048220).

We really hope you send in stuff! Please spread the word as well. Good luck!

Minutes + Next meeting

I did not attend the previous meeting, but I was told it was nice, but with a small crowd. Namratha read one of her poems and she will be reading more next time we meet. Others can also bring their work. Details for next meeting: Monday, Room 29, December 8, 12.30pm


Monday, November 24, 2008

Meeting 8

Hey everyone,

We finally got to meet this semester after the previous meeting got postponed to today. It was pretty good, if I say so myself.

The first chapter of CK Meena's Fried Lentil Doughnuts read by Madhavi

Cockroaches. Kafka. CK Meena.

Selecting a reader by Ted Kooker read by Aditi


Two poems by Manasa... read by Manasa

Oh yes, she broke her vow of silence to read to us. ^^

In other news, congratulations to Nikitha and Ajooni for placing in the JNC fest Creative Writing contest.

Also, remember our blog? As I suspected, it's lying vacant. People who have registered, please contribute. Those who haven't, and want to, please let me know so I can set you up.


Nikitha, Srishti, Manasa, Madhavi, Bhagya, Neha, Namratha, Sagari, Vibha, Greeshma, Anisha, Faith and Aditi

I just realised that I won't be here next Monday. Neha or Srishti, can you take over, please? Namratha will be reading her poems, so your agenda is all set.


Monday, November 17, 2008

17/11/08 Mailer 9

Hi everyone,

Let's meet tomorrow in the lunch break at 12.30 pm in Room 29. There is no agenda, so please bring something to read, or at least a funny story. I'd also like to discuss what we want to do at Cul-Ah! and figure out if we want to plan a nice lit event.

Bring your lunch, leave your souls behind. Thank you.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

14/09/08 Mailer 8

No meeting on Monday. We'll meet next semester. Meanwhile, please meet either Asawari (I PyEJ) or me (III PyEC) so that we can set you up on the blog.

Those who sent in work to me previously, let me know if I should go ahead and post it, or if you would prefer to do that yourselves.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

09/09/08 Meeting 7


So we had our seventh meeting on Tuesday. Exactly four of us were there, and one of them was forced into attending (by me, muahahaha). We mostly just talked, and I showed off my copies of sexy Brit lit mags. They were all shiny and black, and I'm just thinking, I can't believe I forgot to bring my copy of FuseLit! That one actually came with a bit of fishnet. Might've been the first time my brother got interested in a book, you know? Fishnet, man.


Vibha, Anindita (coerced attendee, though to be fair, she got into the discussion quite a bit), Prasanna ma'am and Aditi

OK, important stuff.

Asawari will be taking care of our magnificent new blog ( She will be shining up the blog and adding you as contributors and if you have any questions email her (

I'm thinking we should watch some films together. To do something different, you know. And I'm feeling very generous these days. Perhaps I can bake my chocolate cake, and we can convince Neha to make her biscotti, and someone will bring something sugarless, and someone else will sneak in a bottle of sherry... I'm dreaming now.


Monday, September 8, 2008

08/09/08 Mailer 7: Meeting on Tuesday

Hi everyone,

Let's meet tomorrow in Room 29 at 12.30 pm. I have no big plans for the meeting, so bring your own writing or anything else that you think we'd enjoy. Whoever's first gets to decide what they want to do.

As for the blog, the popular vote is that everyone should be able to post on the blog and do so when they feel like. No pressure, etc. This is the link: (The artwork is by Asawari, by the way.) I might have to approve membership or something. I'll figure that out soon.

See you tomorrow then.

01/09/08 Meeting 6

Hi everyone,

Before I get to the minutes, here's a

Question about the blog

Manasa suggested that instead of working with the lit mag format, everyone should just post stuff whenever they like, which eases the load on me, and I won't have to send you on guilt trips when you don't send in work.

Or I can just post what has been submitted to me (four poetry submissions, one short story, one image) as an issue. It'll take me a while though, because Film is killing me. Yes, film personified. It's an absolute vile creature, much like a teething baby that while cry and slobber even when it's getting attention.

So please let me know. Vibha included: emails really do work. I'm not going to attempt reading your mind, so please reply to this with your opinion.

Reading about reading

We read some good stuff. A bit from the first chapter of Calvino's If on a winter's night a traveller and some from an essay by Proust that Prasanna ma'am gave us. As promised, ma'am, we didn't discuss it without you. : )

But we had fun talking about Calvino -- at least I think it was fun.


Srishti, Neha, Namratha, Vibha, Sana, Sushmita and Aditi


About the next meeting, it probably won't be on Monday. Possibly Tuesday. I'll let you know. Also, Sana has volunteered to make posters. And if I'm not free (blame Film), Srishti will handle the meeting.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

27/08/08 Mailer 6: Meeting on Friday

Hi everyone,

Don't forget: this week's meeting has been rescheduled for Friday, August 29. We will meet in Room 29 at 12.30 pm as usual.


Reading writing about reading

Yes, seriously. I thought it would go well with all the discussions we've had on writing about writing. Reading is an art too.

Suggestion by Manasa

Will tell you on Friday.


Please note that no one offered to make posters, not even once in a while. You guys are awful. :(

And yay! Our tests are over. Now I can look forward to an even bleaker existence filled with assignments, quizzes, oh and a joyless film production!


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

18/08/08 Meeting 5

Hey everyone,

I'm too tired and unfortunately very busy this week, and will not be saying much about the previous meeting. In brief, we talked about critique and how we react to it, what we expect of it, etc. Then, after Prasanna ma'am's reading, the discussion to the relationship between age/experience and writing.

There are two things I need:

1. Writing to be sent in for the blog. You can submit pretty much anything by the 24th. I'm not extending the deadline because as time goes by, I'll have to spend more time on my film project. My personal blog is a mess as is. Also, if I don't get enough material by the 24th, I will scrap the idea. I don't care how much time we've spent labouring over this. It's not worth anyone's time to upload anything if we don't have anything substantial to put up.

2. Someone to make posters. These are basic, non-fancy posters to be put up on Fridays so that people remember to come for the Monday meeting. It's way too much work for me to do every week. All you need is A4 sheets, a sketch pen or marker, cellotape and a pair of scissors. Two posters every week. One on the notice board opposite the canteen, the other on the board outside the English department. More than one person can volunteer and you'll can rotate. I'll tell you what to write on it. Anyway, you've seen my posters before and they're pretty ordinary.

The next meeting will be on Friday, August 29. Same place, same time. Let's have this as an open-to-all reading club meeting. Someone please volunteer to bring in stuff to read.

We can start the writing club next week.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

16/08/08: Mailer 5: Agenda for next meeting

Hi everyone,

Our next meeting will be on Monday, August 18 in Room 29 and 12.30 pm as usual. Nehdiya, from the Dramatics Association, will most probably be joining us to tell us about the theatre script they want.


What is critique?

Reading by Prasanna ma'am


Can't think of any news to tell you. There will be a poetry reading at Reliance Time Out on the 23rd. Nothing spectacular, if you ask me. It's all this Unisun engineered stuff, who, incidentally, are publishing three of my poems in their anthology. I'm quite upset about it. It's my fault for sending them in the first place. What did I know back then?

A disgruntled

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

11/08/08 Meeting 4

Hi everyone,

Just an update about what we did last time.

Vote on the blog title

Finally, we arrived at a clear winner: "Ink Noise". For anyone who needs to know, I voted for "Mulitcoloured Sock" and now feel rather lonely without it. But yay democracy, etc. I will be creating this blog soon and I expect you to start contributing soon. There's a long weekend ahead, so try getting some writing done. As of now, I only have an entry each from the three I PyEJs. Please don't have me guilt-trip you all into submitting something. The deadline is August 24. The theme for anyone who needs it as "voices", and all kinds of artforms are acceptable, as long as they are wordpress-friendly.

Reading by Sristi of II PyEJ

Srishti read us one of Ayn Rand-inspired poems, which explored two different interpretations of narcissism. I'm a little disappointed with the lack of helpful feedback. We seem to be going off on tangents, and I wonder if Srishti profited from our discussion at all. Sristi, feel free to criticise our distracted ways -- we deserve it.


Sana, Vibha, Srishti, Neha, Asawari, Anisha, Bhagya, Madhavi, Nikhita, Tharindri, Manasa, Prasanna ma'am and Aditi


For the next meeting, can we have someone read some prose? Please contact me and let me know by Friday. Email works, but if you're using the phone, please call me at 9880779207. Don't text me because I won't be able to reply. Something's wrong with my phone and the Airtel people are being very useless. I'm considering experimenting with using certain four-letter words next time I meet them to see if it'll get any work done.


Does anyone here write plays for theatre? If not, is anyone interested in trying? The Dramatics Association is in need of an original script for a production of theirs, so it's a good opportunity for you guys. Will give you Nehdiya's number if you're interested.


Here's the poem by Kenneth Koch that I was talking about: To Psychoanalysis.


Right. That's it for now. Happy Independence Day.



Sunday, August 10, 2008

10/08/08 Mailer 4: Lit Assn Meeting tomorrow!

Hi everyone,

Sorry, I should've sent this earlier. We are definitely having our meeting tomorrow at 12.30 pm (or as soon as you manage to buy lunch) in Room 29.

Our agenda is as follows:

Final vote on blog title

Reading by Srishti (II PyEJ)

Fictional letters
(if we have the time)


I'd also like to congratulate the following for placing in lit events this year.

MCC @ 60

Poetry Writing
First place: Archana S - III PyEE
Second place: Tharindri - I PyES

Short Story Writing
First place: Neha Mujumdar - II PyEC
Second place: Nikitha - I PyEC

Freshers' Week

Creative Writing
First place: Anisha Raisurana - I PyEE
Second place: CS Bhagya - I PyeJ

Cul Week

Complete the story
First place: Asawari Ghatage - I PyEJ
Second place: Madhurambal - I HEP
Third place: CS Bhagya - I PyEJ

Literary Quiz
First place: Sneha Sikand and Padma S - III PyEC
Second place (tie): Asawari Ghatage and CS Bhagya - I PyEJ
Greeshma and Annie K - I PyEE

Haiku and Limerick Contest
First place: Danielle D'Silva - II PyEC
Second place: Deepa Jacob - II PyEC
Third place: Sonal - II PyEC


Haiku for you to muse on:

O snail
Climb Mount Fuji,
But slowly, slowly!

Having slept, the cat gets up,
yawns, goes out,
to make love

A bath when you're born,
a bath when you die,
how stupid

-- Kobayashi Issa


See you tomorrow,


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

04/08/08 Meeting 3

Hi everyone,

Here is a brief version of our third lit meeting in case you missed it. The numbers had decreased, unfortunately; on the other hand, Prasanna ma'am joined us, which was a lot of fun. In fact, a certain first year emailed me and said she had a hangover after the meeting -- it was that good. (Blatant hint: attend meetings more often, you slacker folk. :P)

The blog

We voted on the title of the blog. Favourites were Multicoloured sock, Ink Noise and Rapid Eye Movement, but to be truthful, I'm not very satisfied with the vote. It's all over the place and there's no clear winner. Can we do this again properly? Please? I'd really like to start up the blog, to generate hype, as they say.

Also, please submit work. Currently, I have one piece of digital art and two poems. Please send in more stuff. Remember: the deadline is August 24 and the theme is Voices, for anyone who needs it.

Quotations read out by Prasanna ma'am

Ma'am read us a bunch of quotations by writers on writing, which sparked off a good discussion.

Reading by Sushmita (III PyEE)

Sushmita joined us at the last minute and talked to us about the workshop she attended. She read out a poem of hers as well.


Vibha, Namratha, Sushmita, Bhagya, Madhavi, Asawari, Srishti, Sana, Greeshma, Archana, Manasa, Prasanna ma'am and Aditi


In other news, cul week is killing me. I'm so happy this is the last of contests until Cul-Ah. And for that, I'll ask for volunteers. Right now, it's better if you participate. But we don't participate during Cul-Ah, so I can make you guys sit at the desk while I check out the food stalls -- like my seniors made me do.

Looking forward to seeing you at the Lit Quiz (Aug 7, Thursday; GJB - 2; 11.10 am) and the Haiku and Limerick Contest (Aug 8, Friday; GJB stretch; 11.30 am).

Oh! I just remembered, here's the Auden poem I was telling you about: How Dirty Is That Auden Poem That Was Too Dirty for the 'Times Book Review'? Before you open the link, I should say that if you're the sensitive sort or religious or both, don't click on the link. Also, if you worship Auden.

I recently had a few poems at Pratilipi. It's a bilingual mag, and my first Indian publication (of note). It was nice being asked to submit to them. I believe Anjum Hassan is in there with me; I haven't had the time to read through fully. Anyway, here are the poems: Walk into the Sound. Comments are welcome. :)


Friday, August 1, 2008

01/08/08: Mailer 3: Lit Assn: Meeting; Reading with Shashi Deshpande

Hi everyone,

Before I get to the meeting, I'd like you to know that there is a reading happening tomorrow, Saturday, August 2, at Reliance Time Out (Cunningham Road) at 3.00 pm. It is not so much a reading as a dramatic performance of one of Shashi Deshpande's stories and an extract from one of Anil Abraham's plays. Both writers will be there and we can interact with them and stuff. This is an excellent opportunity, so do come. Hope to see you there.

Monday Meeting: August 4

I expect the same level of enthusiasm and attendance. I know some of you can't make it (due to other commitments), but otherwise try to come. Bring your lunch, etc.

The meeting will be held in Room 29, during the lunch break, as usual.

The agenda is as follows:

Reading by Sushmita (III PyEE) followed by a discussion

Reading by Vibha (III PyEJ) followed by a discussion

Voting on blog title

Some of the titles suggested till now are: REM (as in "Rapid Eye Movements"), Parrhesia and Multicoloured Sock. I also thought of Litter Box (although you may not want your writing thusly demeaned), Ink Noise (based on my present love for Don DeLillo) and Thusly (which is a word I like to think I invented).

Let's also vote on whether or not we want to open up our submissions to the rest of college you know -- the lazy folk who don't bother attending our meetings. Oh! And what about asking some of our lecturers to submit?

As for the submissions, I'm happy to say I've already received two. Submissions shall be open till midnight, August 24, which gives you about three weeks to send in work. If you need an extension, you can bring your convincing arguments to the meeting on Monday. :P

Cul Week

Any last minute registrations for the Lit Quiz and questions relating to the contests will be dealt with.

Have a good weekend, everyone. I hope someone manages to get tickets for The Dark Knight. I didn't, but no matter: I just found a lovely poem to read. It's by Sybil Ruth, winner of this year's Mslexia Poetry Competition: A Song of Jean.


Monday, July 28, 2008

28/07/08 Meeting 2

Our second meeting turned out to be even more enthusiastic than the first, which, trust me, is a first. And this is my fifth year being part of the literary association and Mount Carmel College, for that matter. So I was suitably overwhelmed to see the numbers growing.

We changed the venue to Room 29 at the last minute, because Room 24, while being small and cozy, was quite noisy and crowded. In future, let's try sticking to classrooms on that side the GJB: they are less distracting. We also decided that Monday is the best day for lit meetings. As Namratha put it, "let's have something to look forward to when another week of college starts."

Poetry reading

Since Sushmita was held up by a class meeting, I (Aditi) read from Daljit Nagra's collection, Look We Have Coming to Dover! This lead to a discussion of voices in writing and dramatic monologues. Here is Nagra reading for Oxfam: Darling & Me!

The nature of our blog

By 'blog', I don't mean this thing. I mean the cool one which will be filled with our writing and artwork. This blog will be an informal literary magazine -- a project of sorts. Every few months, we will upload one issue, which will consist of artwork (photography, traditional/digital art), poetry, short stories, flash fiction, nonfiction (essays, interviews, reports, profiles, reviews, criticism, etc), cartoon strips and recordings.

The deadline for the first issue has been decided as the end of August. (We will specify a date later on.) The theme will be 'voices'. This can be interpreted in any way we like, but in the case of poetry and fictional prose, an attempt will be made to assume the voices of personae other than our own.

The name of our writing blog/project/magazine has not been confirmed. We will vote on this next week.

Cul week

Suggestions were made for what sort of writing contests we should host during Cul week (August 5 - 8). The Lit Quiz (created in collaboration with the Quiz Association) was shamelessly plugged.


Vibha, Namratha, Bhagya, Madhavi, Tharindri, Srishti, Neha, Sana, Megan, Asawari, Greeshma, Anisha S., Anindita K., Ankita and Aditi

(Did I miss anyone out?)

25/07/08 Mailer 2: Lit Assn Meeting: July 28, Monday

Hi everyone,

We're having our second meeting on July 28, Monday at 12.30 pm in Room 24. Room 24 is on the ground floor of the GJB building. It's a tiny room, rather close to the Journalism Department. Feel free to bring your lunch to the meeting.

Our agenda for the meeting is as follows:

Poetry reading by Sushmita Sukumar (III PyEE)

Sushmita is attending the workshop by Keki Daruwalla this weekend and will have learnt a bunch of new things. She has promised to let us on a few tips and read her poetry. A discussion will follow. (Note the imperative.)

The nature of our blog

I'd like to throw around some ideas about what we want to call our blog and how we want to structure it. So please do some creative thinking and bring your ideas in a figurative sack. (Sacks are cooler than boxes.)

Cul week

If we can squeeze it in, I hope we can discuss cul week. Currently, we have an awesome lit quiz planned. Neha from the Quiz Association will be involved. We haven't had a proper lit quiz in college for almost three years, if I'm calculating right. IMO, this is big. Do participate. More details later.

For the writing stuff, suggestions are welcome. Monday is the last day to tell Nupur and me what you think would be fun to participate in, because after that we have to settle it with the Union.

So that's it for the agenda. In other news, Keki's reading on the 24th was pretty good. Attendees from college included Sitara (III PyEC), Sana (III PyEJ), Namratha (III PyEJ), Sushmita (III PyEE) and myself. Prasanna ma'am and Meena ma'am were also there. I know the timing is rather late for some, but if possible, try to make it. It's a free dose of entertainment. The ugly interiors of Crossword book store are minimally distracting when someone like Keki or KVK Murthy is reading.

See you on Monday. I hope you are all safe after today's blasts.

(Sec, Lit Assn)

21/07/08 Mailer 1: Poetry Reading on 24 July

Hi everyone,

I think I mentioned the TFA poetry readings in our last (and only) meeting. Keki Daruwalla and someone else are reading on Thursday. Check out the attachment for details. I will most likely be there, and some of my classmates as well. So try to make it. Let's make it a group outing as much as possible.

In other news, I've come to realise why it's so hard to have meetings. Every month, at least one week is consumed by tests. The rest of the time, we have shortened hours or extra classes or else, I'm so happy that I have half an hour to eat the disgusting sandwiches I make for myself every morning that I shut out anything that involves making a poster and/or saying something intelligent.

However, I really, really think we need another meeting, and I really, really think you should come. Until we start reading, writing and discussing, we're not going to feel excited about anything. I'd like two things from you:

  • Let me know which lunch break this week will be OK for you: Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. I guess this counts as a vote.
  • Tell me what you want on the agenda for the meeting. I'd like us to have at least two activities for the second meeting: 1. Discussion about the blog 2. A reading

For those with failing memories or other genuine reasons for not knowing what I'm talking about, the blog was something we wanted to create so that we have a space to post our writings and get feedback. Additionally, I think it would be great if the writing we submit is themed. For example, writing about our intermittent monsoon, or the glorious nature of chicken soup. Also, we could have profiles on each of us.

Would any of you like to volunteer reading some of your writing during the meeting? You can read anything you like, as long you wrote it yourself. Broad categories: poetry, prose, non-fiction. Your reading should be about ten minutes long, and we can have a discussion for about fifteen minutes. What do you think?

The first person to reply with a "yes" and "this is what I'm reading" email will be decided on as our first reader. Those who follow will be scheduled for the following meetings. Please don't be shy.

If there is anything else you'd like to discuss or ask, please let me know. I like emails.

In future, we can discuss published writers, our favourite books and genres, etc. Let's also try deciding the agenda for the next meeting this week, so that things don't get stagnant.

In terms of workshopping, I believe Sushmita from III PyEE has been picked to attend the Keki Daruwalla workshop next week. So congratulations! Tell us about it when you come back, like a proud soldier. An epic poem of some sort will be appropriate. Hehe.

I hope the British Council organises more workshops in association with MCC. When I was in first year (yes, I'm nostalgic), I attended workshops by Patience Agbabi, Roger Robinson and Lemn Sissay. And then there was a performance by Benjamin Zephaniah and his troupe of dreadlocks. Those were the good days. So, if anyone knows people, let's organise a workshop, no?

Lastly, this mailing list. I'm afraid I like it too much to give it up and I will periodically send you these typo-ridden, unproofed attempts at humour and communication (not always the same thing, I've noticed, especially in my case). So if you'd like to be taken off the list, the procedure is like so:

  • Click on "reply".
  • Type "unsubcribe".
  • Click "send".

After you do those three things, I might consider not spamming your inbox. There is a nice side to me, after all.

Also, if anyone has Srishti's email address, please let me know. She's from II PyEJ and has long hair. She was the one whom we praised highly for admitting that she still liked Enid Blyton. It takes guts to say stuff like that in the pretentious world of now.

Waiting to hear from you soon.

Cheers everyone,


PS If you don't remember me, I'm the one you unfortunately gave your email address to. (Yes, I know: don't end with a preposition.) I sat at a desk along with Nupur during the fests. The sign on the desk said something like "Poetry Writing Contest" or "Short Story Writing Contest".

03?/07/08 Meeting 1

The first meeting of the academic year 2007 - 2008 consisted of introductions and a general initiation into the activities of the lit association. These activities are listed as follows:

  • Organising and participating in inter- and intra- collegiate fests
  • Having regular meetings to discuss published writers and our own work
  • Organising at least one major literary event in the year, such as a debate or seminar
  • Creating a blog so as to have a noticeable online presence
At least one jibe was made at Sidney Sheldon (although unintentionally) and Srishti was applauded for reminding us of the brilliance of Enid Blyton.


Vibha, Namratha, Sushmita, Nikhita, Bhagya, Madhavi, Anindita S., Neha, Srishti, Nupur and Aditi